Clean Water

What Chemicals Are in Tap Water?

by Jamey Wagner


The chemicals found in ordinary tap water are known to be very common. Public drinking analysis done by experts have uncovered that tap water contains over 2000 different types of toxic chemicals. This makes owning a water filtration system very important. The only healthy and safe way to drink ordinary tap water is to use a water filter system.

Chemical Sources

Chemicals will enter into tap water from many different types of sources. Pollution is one way that chemicals have gotten into the tap water supplies. Other ways are when chemicals are added to the water by the public water systems. The most common of these chemicals is chlorine. Chlorine is the most common of the types of chemicals currently being used to treat public water supplies. It is used to remove and to kill any bacteria which could be living in the water. This type of treatment prevents people from getting ill from drinking unsanitary water.

Health Risks From Chemicals

Even though chemicals are added to tap water to purify it for drinking and cooking in homes, there are still health risks. Adding chlorine to water is actually adding a poison to the water we drink. Over time, chlorine taken in small doses will increase the risk of cancer, heart disease and other health conditions. Most all public drinking water systems use chlorine to purify water.

Other chemicals which are found in drinking water are equally as deadly. Chemicals, such as pesticides and fertilizers in drinking water have been linked to birth defects. Yet, chemicals have been used for years to purify drinking water by killing the parasites that live in it. However, experts say that these parasites are becoming immune to the chemicals and are living after purification treatments. These types of parasites will cause serious health problems in your digestive system.

How Dangerous Is Tap Water?

Is tap water really that bad for us to drink? The government regulates the processing of drink water through the EPA and FDA. They are aware that dangerous chemicals may still remain in the drinking water. While there are standards in place for the maximum amount of contaminants allowed in water, none of these levels are at zero. Meaning, that there are dangerous toxins in the water which we drinking from the tap. Large increases in cancers and other diseases have been reported in places where there has been poor processing of water purification systems.

Some Types of Chemicals in Drinking Water

This is a brief list of the types of toxins in drinking water and what effects they can have on your health.

1. Chlorine – Can cause bladder and rectal cancers, and also asthma. Recently, experts have linked chlorine to breast cancer.

2. Lead – Lead enters tap water through corroded pipes. Lead in drinking water is harmful for pregnant mothers and children. Lead poisoning has been proven to cause learning disorders and severe developmental delays.

3. Giardia and Cryptosporidium – These types of protozoa are responsible for widespread and severe outbreaks of gastro-intestinal diseases. They will make their way in the water system whenever here has been a sanitation breakdown.

What Can You Do?

Many people have been turning to bottle water in order to avoid drinking tap water. At first glance, this would seem to make perfect sense, except for the expense of buying bottled water. However, the main problem with any type of bottled water is the containers which they come in. The plastic which are used to make the containers contain chemicals are well. These chemicals are absorbed by the water when it comes in contact with the container. The chemicals in the plastic containers have also been proven to cause cancer.

The best way to guarantee that you are drinking water which is pure would be to install a carbon filter water purification system. These are proven to be a cost effective and easy way to get the best drinking water possible for you and your family. All you have to do is to simply install your system and you will be turning your chemical filled tap water into a toxic free source. A carbon filtration system is the best way to remove chemicals and purify your drinking water. It will remove almost 100% of the toxins and leaves you drinking water with only healthy minerals.

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