Clean Water

How our Doulton System Works

At the heart of every Doulton Water Purifier is its exclusive Sterasyl element. The ceramic element uses the natural properties of highly specialized diatomaceous earth (Kieselguhr), which is extruded and fired into a hollow porous matrix.

1. Tap water under pressure, flows from outside toward the inside of the sub-micron ceramic element.

2. Impurities unable to penetrate through the microscopic channels of the ceramic matrix, such as bacteria, Cryptosporidium and other micro organisms, are simply trapped on or near the surface of the element.

3. Bacteria-free water enters through the core of the highly activated extruded carbon block – another natural component of Doulton’s ceramic element, which is used to reduce chlorine, pesticides, herbicides, toxic chemicals, as well as taste and odors which may be present in your water.

Throughout this molecular process water retains the high-oxygen content that gives it its spring-fresh flavor.
4. In addition, both negative (-) and positive (+) adsorptive forces are permanently induced into the ceramic and carbon media to remove oppositely charged contaminants even smaller than those removed by the micro-straining action.

5. Impregnation of the ceramic element with silver renders its surface bacteriostatic – that is, bacteria cannot grow on the surface. This ensures that you can change or clean the cartridge with no fear of contamination. In contrast to the silver which is used in activated carbon filters, the silver in the ceramic element is in a form which will not readily leach out, so its effectiveness exceeds the life of the element.

An important feature of the Supercarb element is its capability to be cleaned. Frequency of cleaning depends on the quality of the water supply but a simple scrub with a stiff brush or nylon scouring pad will restore the element to a clean condition – another Doulton exclusive.































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