Clean Water

Drinking Water to Lose Weight

Water is an essential nutrient your body needs to use to burn body fat! That’s why drinking water to lose weight is an important consideration in your weight loss program. We are made up of 55-75% water – that’s a lot of water! We need all of it for chemical reactions in physiological processes to burn fat and calories. It’s also used to transfer by-products of waste (from fat breakdown) away and out of our bodies. In some cases, when you’re dehydrated and there isn’t enough water to dilute the body’s waste products, kidney stones may form. The liver then has to step in to help the kidney. This taxes the liver causing it to perform poorly for its other functions. This is really bad for weight loss because one of the major functions of the liver is to burn fat.




1) Drinking water to lose weight is supported by research.

A study from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Research shows that, in fact, people who drink an average of 6½ cups (52 ounces) of water each day consume 200 fewer calories a day. Let’s analyze this a little more. 200 less calories is about 73,000 fewer calories in a year and it takes 3,500 calories to create 1 pound of fat. This means you’re losing about 20 extra pounds of fat a year. The study also revealed that these people drank less sugary drinks and were less likely to reach for junk food for snacking.



2) Myths about water retention.

Water retention can be caused by increased sodium levels in your diet or, for women, through a change in the menstrual cycles. The most common myth of water retention is that a lot of people think drinking “too much” water will make them bloated and become heavier but the opposite is true. The more water you drink, the more water and waste products your body will flush out. This will help your body get rid of harmful toxins, making you feel less bloated and lose more water weight over time.



3) Experts recommend drinking water to lose weight by reducing your hunger.

Experts say that hunger is sometimes misinterpreted as cravings for food. It could be a sign of dehydration. So instead of consuming food, experts recommend drinking water when a craving first hits. This will make sure you’re not confusing hunger for thirst and will also help you cut down on the amount of food you eat, helping you with your weight loss.


4) Dehydration can harm your workouts.

I want to provide a quick reminder that most of your water is stored in your muscles. If you’re not adequately hydrated, you’re preventing your muscles from performing at its optimal. Because you’re not performing at your best, this could cut your workout short preventing you from burning those few extra calories that could help you drop that extra pound. So next time when you feel fatigued and weak during your workout, reach out and drink more water.


5) Just how do you know if you’re getting dehydrated?

Now we know drinking water and weight loss work together, but how do you know you are dehydrated? The following are signs of dehydration:

a. You’re mouth is constantly dry

b. Your urine is very dark or you’re not producing enough of it.

c. You often feel dizzy during your workouts.

d. Your body energy varies from workout to workout.

e. You get body cramps often.

6) Drinking water to lose weight depends on the amount you drink?

Experts are recommending up to 12 cups (96 ounces) of water a day, but for most people, 8 (64 ounces) cups is more realistic. Take it one step at a time by drinking just a cup of water more per day than what you’re used to. Then for every 3 weeks, increase your intake of water by one cup until you reach all 8 cups a day.

7) What if you simply don’t like the taste of water?

Buy a Cleanwater filter which will remove any foul tastes and odours.

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